Sunday, January 15, 2012

Six of the Best 216

"The current Cabinet of the United Kingdom consists of twenty three members, each department also has several junior ministers. In post-devolution Britain, majority of social policies (health, education,et al) are devolved to regional bodies – the power of Westminster is reduced. And this proposes an intriguing question: Can the Prime Minister justify a large Cabinet?" Too lib·er·al [adj.] makes the case for smaller government.

iRadar gives five reasons why he will not be voting for Ed Miliband.

David Hunt, Conservative peer and the new head of the Press Complaints Commission, recently made the extraordinary claim that bloggers pose a greater challenge than the tabloid press. Richard Wilson has since been in correspondence with him and is far from reassured.

"Croydon once had civic leaders with the vision to commercialise the town centre in the 1960s, replete with subsidised arts and national quality concerts at Fairfield. The recent barbaric destruction of arts provision must have played some role in making Croydon less attractive as a national HQ for NestlĂ© – playing down to Croydon’s image as a cultural desert." Inside Croydon looks at the decline of the borough under recent Conservative administrations.

Landscape Architecture Blog considers the shared space crossing outside Sloane Square tube station.

"Painting the Forth Bridge" will no longer do as a metaphor for a task without end. Now The Victorianist looks at its construction in the 19th century - and provides this post with its illustration.

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