Thursday, February 02, 2012

Nick Clegg interviewed by The House magazine

Paul Waugh and Sam Macrory have interviewed Nick Clegg for the new issue of The House magazine. You can read the whole interview online, but here are some highlights:
"It was absolutely right for David Cameron and I to really pull the stops out at the beginning to show that this was a positive, workable arrangement. In the run-up to the general election, you may remember, the tabloids were screaming, saying that if there was a hung Parliament locusts would descend from the sky and the sun would be blotted out."
“Let’s be blunt: I am asking, day in, day out, Liberal Democrat peers to vote on things that they wouldn’t do in a month of Sundays if it was a Liberal Democrat government. So I don’t think people should judge the Lib Dem peers too harshly. I think they should be judged on what is finally decided. So, for instance, on the health bill, frankly I am incredibly grateful that people like Shirley Williams dug her heels in on the health bill because it’s a whole lot better than it would have been otherwise, a whole lot better."
“I don’t think we should play silly buggers with the country. We’ve said that we are going to govern for five years. We should govern for five years. I think endless faffing about what we might do in this or that month, I think it would be completely lost on people.”

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