Saturday, February 04, 2012

Waiting for the barbarians

The last time there was an English Defence League march in Leicester, many of their supporters stopped off in Market Harborough on the way. I was out searching for a lost Medieval village that day (I have an image to keep up), but I am told that they took over the town centre with their chanting for a while.

This morning all was quiet. There were a lot of police around and the Wetherspoon's pub where the EDL congregated last time had not opened.

I saw only about a dozen EDL types in the town. They were clustered around another pub, which had refused to serve them.


  1. "There were a lot of police around and the Wethersoon's pub where the EDL congregated had not opended"

    Is this a tribute to your beloved Prof Stanley Unwin?

  2. What a falolloper! A lack of thorcus. Indeedy-ho.
