Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Lydd to Le Touquet with Silver City Airways (and Tony Hart)

On Sunday I blogged about the Silver City Airways service from Lydd to Le Touquet. Thanks to Colin W on Twitter for putting me on to this video.

It shows that flight, followed by footage of motoring through France and Italy. The description on YouTube promises a cameo by Tony Hart, and that does indeed appear to be him at 4:54.


  1. Wonderful nostalgia! I flew with my parents from Lydd to Le Touquet several years running when I was a small boy in the early sixties - first with Silver City, then with British Air Ferries, and finally with British United Airways (I think - it's a long time ago). It was always the same planes, though, and it was always a wonderful thrill.

    I seem to recall that there's a comedy film from the early sixties called Weekend With Lulu that features a farcical chase round Lydd (or Ferryfield) airport as it was in those days.

  2. Four of us girls flew from Lydd to Le Tourquet in 1968. We were coached down from Victoria Coach Station to Lydd. Then a coach took us all the way through France, over the Pyrenees, to Tossa de Mar in Spain. Had a great week there in June, very hot. Came back same way. So much fun.
