Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Time for a man of experience?

The close of another week at Bonkers Hall. But why not visit the famous Bonkers Hall Maze this summer? (A small fee may be charged for guiding those unable to find their way out.)


Wishing to avoid those Guardian angels (they were not receptive to my idea for a maximum price for alcohol), I eschew Divine Service for once and go for a walk by the shores of Rutland Water.

Clegg’s hair-shirt tour, I surmise, is intended by the clever children in his office to make it clear whether he has a chance of appealing to voters at the next general election. What if it proves that he has no such chance? What then?

The party would need a new leader: a man of experience who could calm the country in these times of economic crisis. Perhaps a member of the Upper House would be more to the public taste?

I walk on, conscious of the burden I may be required to bear.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South-West 1906-10

Previously in Lord Bonkers' Diary

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