Sunday, September 23, 2012

Six of the Best 279

Our text today is taken from Keynesian Liberal: "I was brought up under the influence of the Church of England and the Book of Common Prayer, so each Sunday morning  and evening, as a choirboy, I was exhorted to confess my "manifold sins and wickedness" and not to "dissemble nor cloke them."  It's a pity this has gone out of fashion, because there seems to be a good deal of dissembling and cloking going on in modern society, among all sorts and conditions of men and women, and not just in the Liberal Democrats."

Lib Dems should vote against the Secret Courts Bill on Tuesday, says Clare Algar on Liberal Democrat Voice. She's right.

On the Fabian Society website, Olly Parker reports on a Lib Dem Conference session the Fabians organised with Centre Forum on the subject of pluralism. The panel comprised Andrew Adonis, Ming Campbell, Jon Cruddas and Jo Swinson.

Rutland Ospreys writes: "Last week when I put out an appeal on the website and e-mailed some contacts in Morocco, it was more in hope than expectation that someone in Morocco may be able to go and find out what had happened to 09(98) on the edge of the Sahara. We were receiving transmissions from a remote ridge of the northern edge of the desert, well away from main roads and in some of the most inhospitable terrain Africa – or perhaps, more accurately, the world has to offer. Surely, 09′s fate would remain a mystery?" Read the remarkable story of what happened next.

The connections between Marie Lloyd, Dr Crippen and the Bedford Music Hall in Camden are traced by Another Nickel in the Machine.

Intermezzo brings you Dogs of the Great Composers.

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