Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Recreating Leicester's Blue Boar Inn

From the blurb to this video on Youtube:
The Blue Boar Inn was medieval Leicester's 'Grand Hotel' and is believed to be where King Richard III stayed the night before the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. With the aid of detailed drawings, produced shortly before the Blue Boar was demolished, Richard Buckley has overseen a project to produce a detailed scale model of the building. 
The Blue Boar Inn is believed to have been built in the mid-15th century on Medieval Leicester's High Street -- now Highcross Street. It was a large and elaborately decorated building, which would have housed wealthy aristocrats and merchants as they travelled through the country. 
In the 1830s, the Inn was demolished - and until now, the only evidence for what it looked like consisted of a pair of engravings made by Leicestershire artist John Flower in 1826.
Richard Buckley came across new evidence when looking through the notebooks of 19th century architect Henry Goddard -- a member of important Leicestershire architectural dynasty the Goddard family.

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