Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sir Edward Garnier tries to shut down fake Twitter account

Harborough's own Sir Edward Garnier QC MP is trying to get Twitter to close a fake account being run in his name.

The existence of such an account must be irritating and could be politically damaging, though the most striking thing about @EdwardGarnier is how very dull it is. There is some justice in the MP's suggestion, quoted in the Leicester Mercury, that the hoaxer should "get a life and go and do something useful instead".

But I was disappointed by some other words of his quoted in the article:
"I have never had a Twitter account and have no intention of having one."
Why not? It's a great way of keeping in touch with constituents, explaining what you do as an MP and tapping into others' expertise.

Later. This tweeter, however, does not pretend to be Sir Edward.

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