Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Visible Vinyl, Road Weedon

The village of Weedon - or Weedon Bec to give it its full name - has a complicated history and geography.

The medieval part is divided into Upper Weedon and Lower Weedon, while the settlement along the A5 is known as Road Weedon. The Royal Ordnance Depot once stood in fields between them.

I love the A5, with its hotels placed at every major junction - a relic of the days when a road journey from the provinces to London often included an overnight stop.

Road Weedon, which stands on it, was clearly once a major coaching centre. Today it is a centre for the antiques trade, which keeps most of the shops in its unexpectedly urban high street occupied.

I was particularly taken with the little building that houses Visual Vinyl. The owner (from whom I bought an Ashley Hutchings DVD) said it was once a bank, and that looks right to me.

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