Friday, September 06, 2013

Six of the Best 383

Mark Pack has details of a Liberal Democrat History Group fringe meeting in Glasgow marking 25 years of the party.

Writing on New Republic, Elizabeth Weil says that American schools are failing nonconformist children: "'Self-regulation,' 'self- discipline,' and “emotional regulation' are big buzz words in schools right now. All are 'aimed at producing 'appropriate' behavior, at bringing children’s personal styles in line with an implicit emotional orthodoxy."

In a recent television programme Stephen Fry told us that the River Fleet flows beneath the Old Bailey. Not so, proves London Aspie.

"Rather like the Shipping Forecast, the place names are evocative in themselves: Snarestone and Shackerstone, Shenton and Dadlington, Market Bosworth, Stoke Golding." The Canal & River Trust has a guide to the Ashby Canal.

Ronald Blythe - "an English institution" - is profiled for the Times Literary Supplement.

Mounds and Circles celebrates 'Hunted' - "a low key, rather sad noir-ish drama from 1952. It stars Dirk Bogarde and a fantastic little boy called Jon Whiteley, perhaps the best child actor I've ever seen."

1 comment:

  1. Definitely worth seeking out more Ronald Blythe. I adore him. "Word from Wormingford" is possibly the best of his that I've read, and it made me ashamed of how little I know about my own locale. Although I am very urban, my place still has its tales to tell and I am guilty of not listening.

    The level of focus and detail and the skill with which he evokes a place I've never visited and a time that was disappearing before his eyes (and is now gone: see Craig Taylor, "Return to Akenfield") is just out of this world.

    Excuse me if this comment doesn't do him justice- I am sick- but I'm glad to see another admirer.
