Tuesday, November 05, 2013

An interview with Stuart Syvret

Earlier this evening I blogged about the imprisonment of Stuart Syvret on Jersey.

This interview, which appeared on his blog three weeks ago, gives the background to the case.


  1. Maybe they'll keep him in this time.

  2. A shocking misuse of the Data Protection Law for nefarious purposes! This does not bode well for Jersey internationally, or for the concept of free speech, especially on the heels of the disastrous detention and banning of international journalist Leah McGrath Goodman, who was writing a book on child abuse at Jersey's infamous Haut de la Garenne.

    The previous court Summary Judgement admitted the blog's allegations may be true, and recommended no further action be taken against Stuart Syvret. Can we take that to mean the UK did not want to see this embarrassing Data Protection mess go further?

    Oh, but this mess will go further. The head of Jersey's Data Protection Office, who is the daughter of actor John Nettles, is associated with the upcoming Committee of Enquiry concerning Haut de la Garenne.
