Sunday, December 22, 2013

How is Nick Clegg's inquiry into briefing against Vince Cable coming along?

Back in September, during the Liberal Democrats' autumn conference, the Observer announced:
Nick Clegg has launched an inquiry into claims that aides have been involved in a "dirty tricks" campaign against his leadership rival Vince Cable. 
The Liberal Democrat leader is investigating an allegation that members of the media have been briefed with erroneous information damaging Cable's position in the party. 
The move followed an angry complaint from an MP during a meeting of the parliamentary party at last week's Lib Dem conference in Glasgow.
I suggested at the time that there was no need for an inquiry - "Can't Nick just tell his people to stop doing it?"

But an inquiry it was. Yet I have seen nothing since about who is conducting the inquiry and when it is to report.

It is a good thing I am such a trusting person. Otherwise I might question whether this inquiry exists at all.

I was reminded of Nick's inquiry when I read Charlotte Henry's examination of the candidates for the Lib Dem deputy leadership for the Spectator:
As another well placed source put it, it’s ‘about the politics of the big four or five,’ and why would Clegg’s team allow someone close to Cable into the role, when they’ve “spent 18 months putting him in his box”?
We can congratulate Charlotte on being so well connected, but it seems the people around Nick Clegg have not changed their spots.
Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice

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