Tuesday, December 03, 2013

So farewell then Invicta Plastics

Invicta Plastics of Leicester has gone into administration. The name may mean nothing to you, but readers of a certain age will certainly remember the Master Mind game, which the company made.

It was everywhere in the early 1970s. And, let us be honest, it was a little dull.

You may remember the illustration on the cover - the magus and the Chinese girl. An article on the University of Leicester website tells the story behind it. (The Leicester Mercury report says that Bill Woodward died earlier this year.)

Later the company made Comic Relief red noses and used to display one on the front of its factory on the A6 in Oadby. A few years ago this was demolished to build a Waitrose supermarket and Invicta Plastics has been based at Braunstone Frith since then.


  1. I see that Cecilia Chung Masters "has started her own MIS banking software company". Perhaps it should acquire the Mastermind promotional material.

  2. Those red noses ..
    Many years ago in London I bought a couple big ones and put them on the grilles of our cars. Everybody at home in Germany wondered at them and often I had to explain what they meant. "Very good idea" I often heard from my compatriots.

    One colleague in the computer business even thought that I had a kind of sensor hidden behind that red nose on the car's grille ...

  3. I worked for Invicta Plastics for a few months in 1977/8. Loved my time there.

  4. Playing my vintage "Mastermind" game from 1972. Invicta plastics rules.

  5. Worked there in 1996 - the sisters who ran the place (the founder's daughters) were absolute harridans. Ted Badger, the production director, was a total bully, horrid man. Awful place to work.

  6. I worked there for 40 years and was one of the last ones there after the receivers were called in

  7. I worked there in 1970 as a holiday job whilst I was at uni.It was OK. Dated one of the girls there for a while cos she was really hot.
