Friday, March 28, 2014

1945 Liberal candidate Arthur Walter James is still with us

There has been some discussion today of surviving candidates from the 1945 general election.

It seems that there is one Liberal still with us - (Arthur) Walter James who fought Bury.

There are three Labour candidates still alive: John Freeman, Denis Healey (who did not get into the Commons until 1950) and one other, whose names escapes me.

The answer is in today's Times Diary, so if you have it to hand please leave the name in the comments.

Later. Thanks to the Labour History Group on Twitter for telling me that the fourth 1945 candidate still with us - there may be others, of course - is Jeremy Hutchinson, who is now Liberal Democrat peer Lord Hutchinson of Lullington,

The Group also pointed me to an article that Walter James wrote for the Sunday Times when he turned 100.

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