Saturday, May 03, 2014

Lembit Opik: The leader of the pack

From the North Devon Gazette:
Colourful former MP Lembit Öpik rolled into Barnstaple on Thursday before hosting a hustings to challenge European candidates on motorcycling rights. 
The ex-Liberal Democrat MP and television celebrity now works for the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) and was in town before heading to Bridge Motorcycles in Exeter to chair an event featuring five South West prospective MEP candidates.
You may ask whether "colourful" is the mot juste here, but Lembit does have a good record on defending motorcyclists.


  1. He also plays a mean Pinball. I have that on reliable authority.

  2. I ain't seen nothing like him in any amusement hall.

  3. How do you think he does it? I don't know!
