Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Historical child abuse inquiry meets Inspector Morse

This report from the Independent suggests the inquiry into historical child abuse is turning into an episode of Inspector Morse or Lewis or something like that:
Scotland Yard is carrying out a search of the Barbara Castle archives at the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library to try and locate a copy of the ‘Dickens Dossier’, the missing file containing allegations of organised child abuse by politicians and other prominent figures. 
The Met is working in conjunction with archivists at the library to sift through more than 850 boxes of documents relating to the life and career of the former Labour cabinet minister and MP for Blackburn, ranging from the 1930s, when she was first elected as a London councillor, until her death in 2002. 
A source close to the investigation told the Independent that “preliminary searches” had already been carried out but that it would take several weeks to complete the search of the archives.


  1. The expression should be Historical rather than Historic.

  2. Keep up the good work. For Cameron to claim yesterday that Wanless had found no evidence of a cover up - and then to dismiss the testimonies of many many victims and whistle blowers as 'conspiracy theorists' shows Cameron to be a man with a forked tongue, capable of beating Alastair Campbell in the black arts of spin doctoring. This issue needs to be kept alive. Thank you for not allowing the powers that be to kick it into a swamp of red herrings.
