Sunday, February 08, 2015

10 oldest surviving England test cricketers

Cricinfo has a list of the oldest surviving test cricketers. I have extracted this list of the 10 oldest England players and their dates of birth from it.

I can remember Tom Graveney (shown above in 1951) playing for England in the late Sixties at the end of his test career. Another fascinating name in the list is Bob Appleyard, about whom I must write more one day.

D.V. Smith           (Sussex)             14 June 1923
F. Ridgway          (Kent)                 10 August 1923
R. Appleyard        (Yorkshire)          27 June 1924
G.H.G. Doggart    (Sussex)             18 July 1925
D.J. Insole           (Essex)               18 April 1926
J.G. Dewes          (Middlesex)         11 October 1926
D.B. Carr             (Derbyshire)        28 December 1926
T.W. Graveney     (Glos & Worcs)   16 June 1927
J.J. Warr              (Middlesex)         16 July 1927
N.I. Thomson       (Sussex)             23 January 1929

1 comment:

  1. I remember much derision in the playground at the inclusion of Laker J at the expense of Appleyard (and Wardle) before this happened.

    Ian Thomson was one of John Arlott's favourite cricketers. Arlott reckoned that Thomson was unplayable on his home grounds in Sussex when there was "a sea fret".
