Thursday, February 19, 2015

Kebabgate could see former Leicester Labour whip jailed

Barbara Potter, who used to be the whip of the ruling Labour group on Leicester City Council, has been found guilty of intending to pervert the course of justice.

This Leicester Mercury report gives a flavour of the case:
Leicester Crown Court heard that Potter, of Winslow Green, Netherhall, drove to the city’s Keyham Lane police station and told officers her car had been spat on when she left it outside a friend’s house in Steins Lane on August 8, 2013. 
Potter said she had just seen Mr Taylor, with whom she had split up with in 2010 after an 18-year relationship, driving past her car in his van. 
She signed a statement saying she had seen Mr Taylor at the wheel and heard a “flobbing” sound before he smirked at her and drove off. 
The police investigated and established Mr Taylor was more than 40 miles away working in Birmingham at the time Potter stated she had seen him in Leicester. 
DNA testing of the spitle on Potter’s windscreen showed it belonged to a Simon Birch. 
Potter said she had no idea who Mr Birch was but he told officers he had previously fallen out with the defendant after she had thrown a kebab at him.
"After the jury's verdict the judge told Potter:
“Perverting the course of justice is a serious offence. It is often met with an immediate sentence of imprisonment. You must understand that may be inevitable in this case."
Potter has taken to Facebook to proclaim her innocence, but she has in the past been known for her robust views on punishment.

Asked for her opinion on the return of the death penalty in 2011, she replied:
"Bring it on. Give these murderers the option of the noose, the electric chair or lethal injection. I think the vast majority would back this campaign. People are disgusted and appalled by those who murder vulnerable people such as children, or those who work to try and protect the public, like the police."

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