Thursday, June 04, 2015

A round barrow at Pitsford

The Victoria County History entry for Pitsford is intriguing:
On different sides of the road leading out of the Market Harborough road into the village are two small earth-works, known as Layman's Hill and Barrow Dyke. In Morton's time, the former was about 10 yards wide and of an oblong shape, but it has since been planted. Barrow Dyke is described by Morton as a square figure, with 'two of the sides still remaining; one of them above 80 yards in length', but by 1820 nearly all trace of the original form had been destroyed by repeated ploughing.
Barrow Dyke has now disappeared completely - its site must be somewhere under new housing or a sports club.

But Layman's Hill - or Longman's Hill as the sign calls it - is still to be seen and is now in the care of the parish council.

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