Thursday, July 23, 2015

Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages

I am down in Canterbury for a few days' holiday.

Today, as is obligatory, I did the cathedral. Its sheer size is impressive, though it is not a great open palace of light like York Minster, and I like the way you climb as you progress further towards the east end, where Beckett's shrine stood before the Dissolution.

I like cathedrals in places that seem to small for them, like Southwell and Ely. But from its monuments you can see that Canterbury is very much the church of its own city as well as the home of the Church of England.

And don't mind the scaffolding. One of the best things about cathedrals is that they are not too holy. There is always someone rehearsing music or a bit of maintenance going on.


  1. Hope you stayed for evensong?

  2. Thanks again, Jonathan, for all those lovely pictures - and the stories!

    Canterbury was the town where I had my English summer school - exactly 50 years ago ...

    I still remember how we students came by special train (which often stopped to let others pass), ferry and bus - it took us almost 24 hours until we arrived at the B&B of a nice old English lady who immediately served tea and biscuits to the two German students - a young Fin joined us later.

    That was my first (but not my last ...) visit to Britain!

  3. Gawain: Not this time though, as an atheist, it is my favourite service.

    Wolfi: Thanks for your kind comments.
