Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Six of the Best 532

Jennie Rigg proves there are respectable arguments against bringing in one member one vote at the Liberal Democrat Conference.

"I am not a social conservative. I'm a Liberal who happens, most of the time, to be socially conservative in his behaviour," explains Andrew Brown.

Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke on how a mother allowed her young son to travel home from Downtown Manhattan on his own and started a social movement.

"The life-saving work of the American medical team on that October day served as clear and demonstrable proof that ambulances shouldn’t just be about 'scoop and run' – there was a time and a need for 'stay and play' as well and ambulancemen needed to be combat medics just as much as they needed to be drivers." The Harrow & Wealdstone railway crash of 1952 had an important influence on the development of NHS care, as London Reconnections shows.

Silver Scene remembers Hayley Mills' reign as as America’s favourite child actress.

"Not many people shopping below or just walking by Nottingham’s Victoria Shopping Centre realise that their is a roof garden situated just above there heads," says Railway Maniac's blog. Sadly, it is no longer looked after.

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