Saturday, October 03, 2015

Sad news: Market Harborough councillor Pete Callis has died

Pete Callis, Liberal Democrat councillor for Market Harborough's Logan ward on Harborough District Council has died.

He has been one of the members for the ward since 1991 and sat for the town's old West ward between 1979 and 1983.

Pete was also one of the town's county councillors between 1993 and 2009.

My old friend Phil Knowles, leader of our group on Harborough DC, has paid tribute to him:
"Many people in Market Harborough will be deeply shocked by the news of Pete Callis's death. 
"He has been a very long serving and well loved member of the district council. 
"He also represented the town at County Hall for 16 years 
"He had been a friend for more than 30 years. 
"It is very sad news and he will be missed by very many people. 
"Our condolences and thoughts are with Celia and his family at this time."
The Leicester Mercury quotes Blake Pain, the Conservative leader of the council, as saying:
"Our condolences are with Celia and his family. 
"Pete was a man of principles and integrity and represented the interests of his constituents. 
"He was council chairman when I first was elected to the council in 2007. 
"He contributed a great deal to the council and the town."
When I moved back to Harborough in 1984 it was Pete who collected me and all my stuff in his van.

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