Monday, November 09, 2015

J.W. Logan and conscription in the First World War

John Dilley, former editor of the Harborough Mail, is using the archive of that newspaper and its predecessor to paint a picture of the town during the First World War.

His latest article has reached November 1915 and the debate on conscription:
In one story headlined ‘Mr J W Logan MP and the call for men’, the Harborough MP who presided over a recruiting meeting at Enderby once again argues against conscription in favour of voluntary action. 
The report says: “He was, as he always had been, dead against conscription, but the best way to prevent it coming was to enlist at once, and now they had been told officially, that they were wanted, he had sufficient faith in the young men of the country to believe they would not make conscription a necessity, but that they would answer the call.”
It is good to see that, even during the war, J.W. Logan was a good Liberal.

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