Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Market Harborough Conservatives and a lot of tits

Nick Rushton, the Conservative leader of Leicestershire County Council, has just issued the following statement:
“My Twitter account was hacked by someone with malicious intent. Whoever has done this changed my password, as I was unable to log onto it for a considerable period of time. I have reset my account and passwords. I take this kind of issue very seriously and have reported it to the police.”
It comes after a Guido Fawkes post that showed Nick Rushton's Twitter account was following a number of "risque" accounts.

You can see some of them in the image above, which I have shamelessly stolen from Guido's blog.

It is obvious that the hacker had malicious intent. As well as following Huge Boob Pics and ILikeBootyDaily, he followed Market Harborough Conservatives.

Later. I have been blocked!

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