Monday, January 04, 2016

Sir Edward Garnier on a level crossing

A footnote to my Boxing Day post about Network Rail's plan to close a level crossing in Market Harborough - well, Little Bowden actually.

As I explained in that post, I am not convinced that the crossing is half as dangerous as claimed. But such crossings are clearly on the way out and, given this, it is odd that several little used rural crossings have been replaced before this one.

Harborough's Conservative MP, Sir Edward Garnier, takes a different view. The other day he told the Harborough Mail:
"This is a seriously dangerous foot crossing on a very busy stretch of the Leicester to St Pancras main line used by not just adults but young children as well. 
"Anything that can be done to improve the safety of the thousands of pedestrians who cross the line there every year can only be a good thing."
He may well be right, but one thing puzzles me.

If Sir Edward believed this level crossing is "seriously dangerous," why did he not campaign long before now for it to be closed?


  1. "Sir Edward Garnier on a level crossing"

    Hard to tie the man down.


  2. Sir Edward has clearly had a dangerous encounter with a bandwagon on the crossing.
