Monday, July 18, 2016

Merton College, Tur Langton and Kibworth Harcourt

In 2012 I blogged about the plan of Merton College, Oxford, to deprive the Leicestershire village of Turn Langton of its village hall.

Judging by the banner I found when I went back to Tur Langton on Saturday, that dispute is yet to be settled.

But Merton College has more ambitious plans for this part of the county. It is one of several landowners (including the Diocese of Leicester) behind plans for a massive development a couple of miles to the west at Kibworth Harcourt.

Take it as a reminder that however much institutions portray themselves as above getting and spending, someone somewhere is paying for all that effortless superiority.

According to the Harborough Mail, the plans would increase the population of Kibworth by about 50 per cent, taking it to more than 10,000 people.

I read many Liberal Democrats moaning about 'Nimbys,' but my impression, at least locally, is that developers get pretty much what they want. Councils are wary of challenging them, and if they generally lose. Wave after wave of new development in Kibworth and Market Harborough testifies to this.

Anyway, if you live in Kibworth you can see the details of Merton et al.'s plans at Kibworth Grammar School Hall on Wednesday 29 July between 4 and 8pm.

The photograph below shows Kibworth Harcourt windmill, which must lie in the centre of the proposed development.

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