Sunday, April 02, 2017

Michael Howard is an alien

How do we account for his desire to launch a war with Spain, that strange accent and his belief that prison works?

I have vague memories of writing a column for Liberal Democrat News back in 1997 about an alien spacecraft being sighted over Michael Howard's Kent home.

And it seems those memories are accurate.

A Guardian article from 2010 says:
But the opening of the latest batch of Britain's own "X-files" today reveals that the RAF in March 1997 did mount an inquiry into reports from six members of the public, including two firefighters, of a large, triangular "humming" object in the sky above his Folkestone home during his last months as home secretary. 
The Ministry of Defence file reports that witnesses said the UFO hovered for several minutes above a field before shooting off in a flash of light. Sophie Wadleigh, 25, from Hythe, told the Folkestone Herald: "It was so peculiar, it all felt really odd and I heard this humming noise. As I looked across the field I saw a large triangular shaped flying craft hovering about 300 feet off the ground." 
The MoD file includes a report from Chris Rolfe, of the East Kent UFO monitoring group, which says he believes it could have been looking for the former home secretary, as it was not interested in Wadleigh: "This … has left me wondering if its purpose had something to do with Mr Howard."
I think Mr Rolfe may have been on to something.

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