Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The future of Britain: it's in your hands

A vote for the Liberal Democrats on June 8 is a vote to put the future of Britain in your hands.

1 comment:

  1. ****URGENT****URGENT****URGENT****

    I must warn you that a Tory mole has taken control of Lib Dem Voice.

    They have just published an article that's obviously intended to remind people about the Coalition. It actually has a photo of Clegg and Cameron smiling together at the top.

    You must stop them now. I've been doing all I can, but I think they're on to me. I'm sure I'm being followed by a man who looks like an estate agent. My collection of cacti mysteriously caught fire last week.

    Just a minute. What's happening? That sounds likveje,rjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
