Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Six of the Best 698

British journalism failed in its coverage of the general election, argues Brian Cathcart.

John Pugh explains why the Liberal Democrats lost Southport: "We lost in Southport not because we’d forgotten how to campaign or even because of the genius of our opponents but because the party did not have a clear enough national message that connected emotionally and personally with the local electorate and in a quasi- presidential election in 2017 that mattered."

"One glimmer of hope is that the DUP, for all its sectarian history and obscurantist beliefs, is pragmatic about economic policy. It will kill off the idea of the idea of the UK leaving the EU customs union which is fundamental to the economy of the island of Ireland." Vince Cable on politics after the election.

Oliver Wainwright looks at the failure of Richard Rogers' new gateway to Cambridge.

"A borstal was an obvious recruiting ground for the army because they were only permitted to detain healthy boys who could withstand the tough regime of drill-instruction, training and education, all of which began before dawn." Conor Reidy on the Irish Borstal boys who chose to go to the First World War.

Alex White meets some fox cubs.

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