Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Six of the Best 704

The South Essex Stirrer offers a critique of Corbynmania from the left: "After the general election, I naively thought that we had reached the point of peak Corbyn and that elements of the left and other radicals would start to think a bit more independently again. Far from that happening, to all intents and purposes, the mania about Corbyn seems to intensified to the point where it has become a cult…a disturbing and weird one."

Patrick Barkham looks at the British debate over rewilding.

"Elizabeth Anderson is a philosopher on the warpath. Her Tanner Lectures, published in this volume with comments and a response, take aim at the unelected, arbitrary and dictatorial power that employers, particularly in the US where labour laws are flimsy, hold over their work-forces. She calls it “private government”, in the sense that those governed – that’s us, by the way – are shut out of the governing process." Philip Roscoe reviews a new book by Elizabeth Anderson.

Donald Trump's tweets will be invaluable to foreign intelligence agencies, explains Nada Bakos.

"As early as 1945, a Woman’s Own article on corsets encouraged women to exercise caution at mealtimes, since “war-time rationing has led to an increased consumption of starchy fattening foods, with unflattering results to our figures”. In order to lose weight, the article recommended reducing the number of meals and cutting down on bread, potatoes, cakes and biscuits." Nadia Wilks-Heeg on how slimming became an obsession for women in post-war Britain.

Richard Brady recommend five films about the American heritage of resistance.

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