Friday, August 11, 2017

Tim Gordon resigns as Liberal Democrat chief executive

Liberal Democrat Voice reported the news on Wednesday, quoting Tim Gordon's statement:
It has been an honour to work for the Party for the past half decade. These have not been easy years but I am proud to have worked with both Nick Clegg and Tim Farron who so clearly and eloquently articulated the Liberal voice that Britain needs. 
We now have a great new leader and deputy in place and after the challenges of the past few years this feels like an appropriate moment for a change. There are other opportunities that I have delayed pursuing for long enough and I want to give my successor as much time as possible to prepare before what could be yet another snap General Election.
It also posted the email we all received from Sal Brinton:
Yesterday Tim Gordon announced that he was resigning as Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats, after five years service. On behalf of the party I want to place on record a huge thank you to Tim for his all his amazing hard work over what have been some often very gruelling years. 
He has run the party machine during extremely demanding times with the Liberal Democrats in coalition government, then two general elections and the EU Referendum. 
After the setback of the 2015 General Election, Tim immediately set out to make sure that the party’s finances were secured, and provided the structures that have allowed the party to recover.
As it was dear old Lib Dem Voice, we were told Tim has done a great job and it is great that he is going. No doubt his successor will be great too.

For a more jaundiced view of this episode you have to go to Guido Fawkes:
Gordon was appointed by Tim Farron in 2011, and after weeks of internal speculation in LibDem circles that Vince Cable wanted him out, the party boss has fallen on his sword. 
A LibDem source says “he jumped before he was pushed”, the move is being seen as a Cable power grab.
Where does the truth lie? For that you will have to wait until the next issue of Liberator.

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