Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Two Leicester pubs under threat from university development

At the end of last year I blogged the good news that Leicester City Council had refused developers permission to demolish the 1920s Black Boy pub in Albion Street and build a seven-storey block of flats.

Developers being developers, they have appealed against the decision. You can read an account of what sounds a testy hearing in the Leicester Mercury.

Today came news that another city pub is under threat. This time its the eccentric Dry Dock, a landlocked boat, on Freemen’s Common.

The University of Leicester wants to redevelop the area and build new accommodation blocks up to 15 storeys high and a multi-storey car park.

These days the city's two universities, and the commercial developers building student accommodation seem to be the major forces in the reshaping of the city - and not always for the best.

The University of Leicester dominates the south of the city and De Montfort University dominates the west - just ask the ghost of the Pump and Tap.

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