Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Chequered Skipper is coming back to Rockingham Forest

Regular readers will have heard of the Elves of Rocking Forest, with whom Lord Bonkers has a relationship of wary friendliness. ("It's best to keep on the right side of these fellows.")

Back from the Brink is a conservation project that aims to save 20 species from extinction and benefit over 200 more through 19 projects spread across England. And one of those projects is taking place in Rockingham Forest.

The project's Rockingham Roots page lays out its ambitions there:
Rockingham Forest covers more than 200 square miles, and has long been part of the natural and cultural heritage of Northamptonshire. It was designated a hunting forest by William the Conqueror back in 1086. 
Much of the once-vast ancient broad-leaved forest remains, but in separate woodland patches, dotted through the arable landscape. These are wonderful places, where nationally rare plants, bats, birds, reptiles and butterflies can still be found.
But these fragmented woodlands are under increasing pressure from climate change, nutrient enrichment and a rise in the number of deer.

This Back from the Brink project, led by Butterfly Conservation, will restore and manage a network of woodland sites across the Rockingham Forest area, creating more habitat in which vulnerable species can thrive. 
We will introduce more diversity in the woodlands, increasing the complexity of the forest structure and creating more open space and habitat niches, such as dead wood. 
We will involve local people, helping them to get closer to the extraordinary wildlife of the forest, and working with volunteers to manage and monitor it. 
Once enough suitable habitat is available, we will reintroduce the Chequered Skipper Butterfly, extinct in England since 1976.

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