Thursday, June 07, 2018

See the Wolsey Angels in Leicester

Back in December 2014 I blogged about the miraculous rediscovery of and campaign to purchase the four angel statues that had once been intended to adorn Cardinal Wolsey's tomb.

The good news is that the money to purchase them was raised and you currently see them at the New Walk Museum and Art Gallery in Leicester.

You can seem them in the photo above.

Cardinal Wolsey himself was buried at Leicester Abbey, whose ruins you can see in Abbey Park.

Asked if, having found Richard III, they would now look for Wolsey, a University of Leicester archaeologist replied a little acidly:
"If we did find him we would only be faced with a legal action from people in Ipswich."
Still, the university does say:
Leicester has made several concerted efforts in the past to locate Wolsey, including after the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered in 1922, but so far the lost Cardinal has escaped the gaze of eager archaeologists.

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