Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Six of the Best 820

"On the few occasions in its history when the Conservative party has not just lost power but been roundly thrashed, it has been when wealth-creators and ideologues have fought each other: over the Corn Laws in the 1840s, imperial preference in the 1900s and the EU in the 1990s. Each of these internal splits led to ten years or more in the wilderness." Peter Kellner thinks the Tories could pay a heavy price for Brexit.

And it would serve them right, says Cicero: "The only thing that keeps this shop window of stupidity alive is the fake money that drives the modern Conservative Party. Intellectually moribund and the bear garden of deformed personalities, the Tories deserve utter ruin."

Chris Dillow says we are very bad at counterfactuals. An Ed Miliband would have been far better than what actually happened after 2015, but we would still have moaned about it.

"It has taken a while, but Nietzsche’s reputation as a philosopher has been fully restored. The story of his life is by turns inspiring, poignant and dispiriting, and it has never been better told than in this riveting book." Ray Monk reviews Sue Prideaux's new life of the philosopher.

A Lady in London is your guide to spending a weekend in Leicester.

Philadelphia's Bart King is the greatest cricketer you've never heard of The Maelstrom.will tell you all about him.

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