I love a good index, and Mike Brearley's willingness to bring his wider intellectual interests into his cricket writing gave me high hopes for his new collection On Cricket.
And I was not disappointed. Because it features such juxtapositions as:
Barrington, Ken
Bartók, Béla
Fowler, Graeme
Freud, Sigmund
Hogg, Quintin
Hogg, Rodney
idée fixe
Illingworth, Ray
Pietersen, Kevin
Pinter, Harold
Sutherland, Joan
Swann, Graeme
Verity, Hedley
Virgil, The Aeneid
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Woakes, Chris
If you like good indexes too, I can also recommend Electric Eden.
When flogging a 1988 edition 33 volume Encyclopedia Britannica, I was struck by the index titles on the spines - they had no "From" or "To" - and included Accounting Architecture, Chicago Death, Decorative Edison, Excretion Geometry, Geomorphic Immunity, Number Prague, PreColumbian Sacred, and United Zoroastrianism. Dubious academic fields and forgotten punk bands....