Saturday, February 09, 2019

A blue plaque for Richard Jefferies at Coate

Good news from the Swindon Advertiser:
A blue plaque to pay tribute to the Swindon-born poet Richard Jefferies is being planned for 2019. 
The museum and place where the poet was born, which was recently re-thatched by Swindon Borough Council costing £30,000, may soon have a new addition to its walls.
They may have said  it twice, but Jefferies was not a poet.

He is most celebrated as a nature essayist, but I am more interested in his Bevis, which was a huge influence on the holiday adventure genre of children's books, and After London, which was an early work of post-apocalyptic science fiction.

Anyway, my photograph shows the Richard Jefferies Museum at Coate in Swindon.

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