Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Six of the Best 848

The Liberal Democrats must be at the forefront of a British Green New Deal, argues Daniel Willis.

"The most frightening examples were those that used violent language like “traitor” and “sabotage”, because they contribute to the normalising of that kind of discourse that led to Jo Cox’s death." Penny Andrewes looks at online memes attacking Yvette Cooper.

Hari Kunzru does not spare us: "Britain is a country under self-inflicted stress, gripped by fear of the unknown. Remainers and Leavers - two tribes that have taken on the mythic stature of Roundheads and Cavaliers in a second civil war - are clinging together like drowning swimmers, each side convinced that the other is provoking an epochal disaster, neither side understanding why the other won’t submit to its version of reason and allow itself to be guided back to the surface."

Margaret Talbot says Donald Trump's deep unfamiliarity with the lives of working Americans may create opportunities for the Democrats.

"I can’t believe I’m out and about. Somewhere along the way, I lost half my colon and gained a huge respect for the expertise that has saved my life. I feel fragile and as ever, the Long Mynd is my local cure." Andrew Fusek Peters, who.takes wonderful photographs of the Shropshire Hills, writes about being diagnosed with cancer.

Zachary Snowdon Smith shows how the moves always get chess wrong.

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