Sunday, May 26, 2019

Six of the Best 867

"It was the thin orange line of Lib Dem Councillors that held the line. Yes Vince and our team did great things in Parliament but it was resolute and bloody stubborn councillors that both held the line and then began slowly to move us forward leading to the great rush in Lib Dem votes and councillors at the beginning of May and what everyone hopes (except our opponents who dread) will be a great advance when the EU votes are declared tonight." Richard Kemp apportions praise where it is due.

Ed Caesar tells the story of the the thwarting of the Fascist plot to murder the Rosie Cooper MP.

Employee-owned companies perform better, but are resisted by banks, lawyers and governments, says Jonathan Michie.

"For nearly thirty years the rebellious outcast Sophie Curly could be found in Nottingham’s city centre pubs. You might remember her, a bag lady with a smiley face furnished with bright pink lipstick and a milky eye, ranting about Thatcher and preaching free love." She was also a literary discovery of Virginia Woolf. Nottingham City of Literature tells her story.

The actor James Fox turned 80 the other day. Adam Scovell chooses 10 essential film appearances by him from The Magnet to Sexy Beast.

Yahoo Over Cow Corner voyages to the Isle of Wight to watch Hampshire play Nottinghamshire.

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