Sunday, June 02, 2019

Where the swans are tasty geezers: Victoria Mills, Wellingborough

As rail replacement coaches have been a theme of the past week, here is a structure I first saw from one of the things on the way from Market Harborough to Bedford.

Victoria Mills stands by the Nene on the edge of Wellingborough. It was never powered by the river, but grain was delivered to it by water until 1969.

The building is still in use and forms part of a complex operated by Whitworths.

But there is more to the area than that. I was surprised to find a small pleasure park on the other side of the river.

And then there were the birds - smart gulls and a remarkable quantity of swans.

They are the guvnors. Tasty geezers. Get lairy and they will show you whose manor it is.

The geese on the campus at York had the same air of owning the place. They never attacked anyone, but they gave the impression that they might at any moment.

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