Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tory MP to "spend summer" deciding whether to join the Lib Dems

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Sky News says Philip Lee, the Conservative MP for Bracknell, was asked on an unnamed podcast whether he could quit the Tories and join the Liberal Democrats.

It quotes his reply:
"At the moment I'm increasingly feeling politically homeless. 
"The party I joined was the party of John Major and John Major, I think, is probably feeling like this judging by his contributions in recent weeks." 
"I'm really not comfortable about my party pushing for no-deal Brexit without proper consent of the public. 
"Purely on the national interest, I think it's wrong to do this. But party politically I think it's narrowing our base in a way that I don't see how we win elections. 
"And if you don't win elections in a democracy you don't have power and you can't do things you want to do. It's just simple reality. 
"I'm sort of sitting here, looking on and - yeah - I'm going to spend the summer thinking a lot."
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for him to join us.

1 comment:

  1. He is hedging his bets to see which way the wind blows. He is only interested in saving his comfy life style NOT the future of the country and the people in it.
