Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Financial Times talks up Lib Dem chances in St Albans

Sebastian Payne has been to St Albans and found Liberal Democrat prospects good:
Person after person I speak to there registers their disgust at Brexit - a clear majority voted for Remain in 2016 - and the rightward shift of the Tories. Many inhabitants are London exiles, bringing with them liberal metropolitan sensibilities. 
St Albans may once have been a Labour marginal, but the party’s equivocation on Brexit could well have scuppered its aspirations.
He also met our candidate Daisy Cooper:
"I stood to be our candidate in St Albans because it is exactly the sort of seat that should and could be a Lib Dem heartland, people here hold fundamentally open liberal values," she explains over coffee. 
"I want to put a stake in the ground for the party and the country’s future and I absolutely think we can win."

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