Monday, September 09, 2019

The little church at Newton Harcourt revisited

In the shady churchyard is a striking modern monument in the form of a miniature church with spire, porch, windows, and battlements, set up in memory of a boy of eight, a little shrine not unlike a toy building he himself might have tried to fashion with a big box of bricks. We have come upon no other like it in any of our country churchyards.
That quotation comes from the Leicestershire volume of Arthur Mee's The King's England.

I told the full story of the little church at Newton Harcourt when I visited the village in 2012. Unfortunately, that June day was so bright that I could not get a good photo of the shining white monument.

On Saturday, in the course of a seriously loosely planned walk, I found myself back there. The tinge of autumn in the air meant I could get some better photographs.

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