Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lord Steel resigns from the Lib Dems and the Lords

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The party's former leader David Steel has resigned from the Liberal Democrats and the House of Lords following today's report on the Westminster strand of the Independent Inquiry on Child Abuse.

You can find the chapter of the report that covers Cyril Smith and the Liberal Party on its website.

It's verdict on Lord Steel runs:
Lord Steel should have provided leadership. Instead, he abdicated his responsibility. He looked at Cyril Smith not through the lens of child protection but through the lens of political expediency. 
As suggested in the written closing submissions on behalf of the complainant core participants, when attending the Inquiry, far from recognising the consequences of his inaction, Lord Steel was completely unrepentant.
Jonathan West, who helped expose abuse at Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's School, has expressed dissatisfaction with the inquiry's recommendations in a thread on Twitter.

He call for the introduction of mandatory reporting of suspicions of child abuse :

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