Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ed Davey accuses Boris Johnson of misleading parliament

From the Guardian website:
Boris Johnson has been accused of misleading parliament by denying that his top medical and scientific advisers had not signed off his government’s new “stay alert” slogan. 
The acting Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey, claims the prime minister misled MPs “inadvertently or otherwise” by telling them in a debate in the Commons on Monday that the claim was “not right”. 
Davey has asked Johnson to come back to the chamber to “clear up this discrepancy” and ensure that Hansard, the official record of parliamentary proceedings, is clarified so that it is accurate.
Well done, Ed.

Boris Johnson has gone through life finding that a combination of bluster, waffle and outright lying are enough to dispose of any question.

Now he is prime minister and facing a crisis, we need the truth and clarity from him. Otherwise people will die.

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