Monday, June 08, 2020

Big cats in High Leicestershire and Rutland

Big Cat Conversations is a podcast devoted to encounters with big cats in Britain.

One edition interviews two people who say they have seen the animals in High Leicestershire and Rutland.

I am struck by the claim that so many large black cats have been seen around Ketton cement works that on its open day the owners place figures of black cats around the site for children to find.


  1. In Leicestershire, Rutland and Northants, farmers have lost mature sheep to people who have butchered them in the field. Try not to think about the public health consequences.

    Nobody has found a lamb or pony in the field, ribs shredded by claws.

    We must conclude that East Midland big cats have a selective diet akin to that of a small cat.

  2. There is a case of a horse being attacked mentioned in the podcast on Leicestershire and Rutland.

    They are worth a listen: sensible country people who are convinced they have seen something strange.
