Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Two Shropshire successes for community land trust

Good news from Shropshire: the Middle Marches Community Land Trust has succeeded in raising the money to buy Norbury Hill - I blogged about this bid the other day. 

A member of the trust told the Shropshire Star:

"We are completely astonished really – this was not something we expected. We heard on Thursday that it was all going to happen and we are sharing the land with one of our supporters, who pledged the other half. The process of buying the land is under way.

"What really made a difference to me was when people actually came up to my house and knocked on the door and gave me a cheque, because they didn't want to miss out on the deadline. It was incredible. We are just so grateful to everybody."

The star also carries the news that the same trust's appeal to raise the money to buy a meadow in Church Stretton has reached its target.

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