Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sorry for the silence on Liberal England

Sorry for the uncharacteristic lack of posts here, but real life has overtaken Liberal England.

My mother, who is 89 and once introduced herself as "the Dowager Lady Bonkers" when canvassed by Graham Tope, has been experiencing a series of health problems since the start of the month. She came home from hospital at 8pm on 23 December and I have spent most of my time over at her house since then.

I shall try to keep this blog alive, but you can also find me on Twitter and Instagram should you wish.

Let's end on a happy memory. When she seemed quite herself, and it was only six weeks ago, I played her this video of Aksel Rykvvin.

He is now 17 and winning prizes as a baritone, but it's not so long since he was the most celebrated treble, or boy soprano, in the world.

Here's to happier days.


  1. Sorry to hear that. Wish you and her all the best.

  2. 2021 will be a brighter year for you both. Best wishes for the future

  3. I'm sorry to hear this: your blog is consistently thought-provoking and enjoyable. With all good wishes to you and your mother, Dr Anonymous

  4. I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you both all the best in a hard time.
