Sunday, March 28, 2021

Runrig: Dust

There was a time when I got my music from the bargain bin at Woolworth's. So it was that, long before I went to a Runrig gig in Portree, I owned their third album Recovery. Listening to its final track, Dust, makes me very aware of my Scottish roots. 

At the time of the referendum on Scottish independence I came to dislike the Yes side. Just like Leave in the EU referendum, they refused to address hard economic questions - in their case it was what an independent Scotland would do for a currency.

Still, Scotland is not too wee or too poor to be an independent nation, and I could forgive any Scot who surveyed the grotesques who rule them from Westminster and opted for independence.

The left fears that England is irredeemably Tory and wants the United Kingdom to continue so it has a chance of forming the government. But we cannot expect the Scots to save us from the consequences of our political failure indefinitely,

Anyway, enjoy the song.

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