Monday, May 17, 2021

Gloucestershire Orville creator confesses to nearly killing David Jason with giant sugar lump

Gloucestershire Live wins our Headline of the Day Award.

The judges noted that its entry built upon an earlier winner of the very same award.

For, on 29 October 2020, the Independent was honoured for its:

Only Fools and Horses star David Jason ‘nearly killed by giant sugar cube’ while filming PG Tips advert

At the time I was inclined to accept the newspaper's implication that it was all an unfortunate accident.

But the revelation that the creator of Orville was involved casts a more sinister light on the affair.

A man who is capable of that is capable of anything.


  1. He appears to be an unexpectedly central figure in British culture:


    From Ken Dodd's Dickie Mint to the Honey Monster, Nookie Bear, the Hofmeister Bear and the Monster Munch characters, Peter had made a whole array of famous puppets that became iconic figures in their day.

    He made Bertie Bassett for Liquorice Allsorts, a wooden Pinochio for Dulux Woodstain and the laughing Martians for the famous 'For mash get Smash' adverts.
