The judges noted that its entry built upon an earlier winner of the very same award.
For, on 29 October 2020, the Independent was honoured for its:
At the time I was inclined to accept the newspaper's implication that it was all an unfortunate accident.
But the revelation that the creator of Orville was involved casts a more sinister light on the affair.
A man who is capable of that is capable of anything.
He appears to be an unexpectedly central figure in British culture:
From Ken Dodd's Dickie Mint to the Honey Monster, Nookie Bear, the Hofmeister Bear and the Monster Munch characters, Peter had made a whole array of famous puppets that became iconic figures in their day.
He made Bertie Bassett for Liquorice Allsorts, a wooden Pinochio for Dulux Woodstain and the laughing Martians for the famous 'For mash get Smash' adverts.
That's a remarkable record.